Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Are we interesting enough to write about?

Well, life is interesting for the JA Bures Family now...
We do not know what the future holds...
Anna is looking for a new job...
We are doing projects around the house... in hopes to sell it
Which in todays market - WILL be a miracle:) That of course is possible.

Anna has great doubts that there will be more blogs for a long time...
because right now she is up north with nothing to do..
Which is why there is a blog being started:)
Now in 1st person... and personal.
I am here for a conference for the technology class that I teach.
I'm north of Brainerd at a resort called Breezy Point
This place brings back many memories of being in my teens and cross country skiing with my family:)
I love my family and miss them!
This weekend there are big plans to have the siler crew up to our house to remodel the bathroom...
That should be interesting enough to get pictures of on here!!